Community Partners

Since 1955, the A. O. Smith Foundation has been committed to making our communities better places in which to live.  The Foundation partners with many different companies throughout the communities A. O. Smith employees reside in.

Learn more about some of our partners and how they are impacted by contributions from the Foundation:

Medical College ThumbnailMedical College of Wisconsin

Medical College of Wisconsin Cardiovascular Center
 Children's Hospital of WI Logo

Children's Hospital of Wisconsin

 MKE Zoo and Zoological Society LogoMilwaukee County Zoo
MPM kids in lab thumbnail 

Milwaukee Public Museum

 MAM Event ThumbnailMilwaukee Art Museum 
 Carroll  University ThumbnailCarroll University 
 Empower Me Day Camp ThumbnailEmpower Me Day Camp
 Make a Difference WI Joyce Stoner and Kids ThumbnailMake a Difference-Wisconsin
 Safe Haven Thumbnail ImageSafe Haven Family Shelter of Cheatham County 
Johnsons Park Kids Thumbnail Johnsons Park 
Journey House Thumbnail Journey House 
Mustard Seed Ranch Logo and Boy Mustard Seed Ranch 
 Boys and Girls Club ThumbnailBoys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee
 Johnson City Medical Center ThumbnailJohnson City Radiation and Oncology Department
 Brightstone Day Camp Thumbnail Brightstone
St Joan Antida High School students  St. Joan Antida High School